Reebok is constructing a brand new reality: one where plastics get a second life, and shoes are made from things that grow. They're headed toward a more sustainable future, but it’s a journey.  Black Math helped visualize the plan for getting there.
The Elements
Reebok's new sustainability initiative breaks down five key materials, illustrating their sustainable characteristics and explaining how they’re used. We dug into the details of each characteristic; learned all about the materials; and built a visual language for consumer-facing messaging. And did we also put these ingredients in the blender to create a powerful smoothie? YOU HEARD RIGHT! When your shoes become too worn to wear, you’ll know they are perfectly tenderized and ready to eat*. After visualizing each individual element, we worked to bring the resulting imagery to the website, social, & out-of-home product campaigns. 
(*Reebok says not to do this)
Bloom Algae
Castor Bean Oil 
Eucalyptus Bark 
Natural Rubber
Recycled Polyester
E L E M E N T A L    C O N C E P T S
C O M P O S I T I O N  &  C O L O R

P E N C I L    T E S T S

M A T E R I A L    R E N D E R    E X P L O R A T I O N S
[Ree]Cylced Key Visuals and Animations

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